My name is Pete Moss. I come from the Watery Wetlands. Sometimes it is hard for me to sit still because I am so excited and curious. I like to be outside. I like to run and climb. I wish I could fly. I don’t like to do my homework, but I am trying to get better at that.

Pete Moss

My name is Violet. I come from the Honeybunch Flower Garden. I love dreaming so much it is sometimes hard for me to get out of bed! I like drawing and painting and looking for shapes in clouds. I believe in the magic of purple and the miracle of nature.

My name is Basil. I come from Herb’s Garden on the other side of the Island. I used to be lonely but I learned the secret to making friends and now I am a friend to almost everyone on Bloomers! Island. I think good manners are important. I try to always say please and thank you.

Bud Inski
I am Bud Inski. I don’t know where I come from because I am an orphan. Professor Sage and Dog Wood raised me at the Tree House School where I learned to love to read. I wish I had brothers more than anything in the whole world. I visited my friend Big Red’s home and loved it. He has ten brothers!

Beep Beep Honk Honk Beep Honk Beep Honk!
I am Daisy. I come from the Magical Meadow. I am shy and do not talk. Instead I make music and sounds! My best friend Violet always knows what I am saying. My petals pop open when I get excited!.

Hi! My name is Lilly. My friends call me Silly Lilly. I am not afraid of anything! I come from the Honeybunch Flower Garden. I sprouted prematurely so my parents were overprotective. But now I am at school! I can take care of myself. I am always up for a good adventure.

Red Wood
My name is Red Wood but my friends call me Big Red because I am big, tall and strong. But my heart is even bigger. I come from the Hidden Forest. I have ten brothers and we used to fight a lot. We told our Father that we needed space. That’s how I came to the Tree House School. I like to help all the Bloomers! by giving them advice or lifting heavy things.

Rosey Posey
I am Rosey Posey. I come from the Honeybunch Flower Garden too. My favorite color is pink. When I was growing up I had a serious condition. I learned to live with it. Now I think everyone is beautiful in their own way. I like to help other Bloomers look good, even boys. I love to laugh, even at myself.

Dog Wood
Arf arf arf arf. Arf arf arf arf!
My name is Dog Wood. I come from the Forest Path. I like to dig, bark and run as much as I can! I am not always quiet when I am supposed to be, but I’m working on that. I am Professor Sage’s best friend. I helped raise Bud. I love him.

Professor Sage
I am Professor Sage. I come from Herb’s Garden. I am the headmaster at the Tree House School. I teach the Bloomers! by giving them know +grow advice. I love to learn too. Sometimes I can be pretty forgetful, but that’s because I have a lot of knowledge in my head! Even though I am growing older, I am still a seedling at heart.

Mr. Banyan
I am Mr. Banyan. I am so old, I don’t even remember where I come from. I think I have always been here. I am the trusted holder and hugger of the Tree House School. I move very slowly because I have so many roots. It is my job to watch over the school and all the Bloomers.

Queen Palm
I am Queen Palm the ruler of Bloomers Island. I protect all the plants, trees, bugs and Bloomers. I think trees are very important and need extra protection! My best friends are the Fireflies. They keep all my secrets.